Sunday, June 29, 2014

The Wii U Overview! (with a Special Video!)

Shame I didn't publish this earlier on the Wiikend. Get it? Ha. Ha.


It's been a long time, but after a lengthy hiatus, I hope to start writing about things and stuff and more things game and movie related very soon!

The topic of my return? I bought a Wii U! So what better time to announce my impending return to the Emporium (my...revengeance, ahahaha) then with an overview of the Wii U system!

Ah but wait...this one's a little special.

Indeed, I actually have a video of my own making to show you!

Yes, this should be fun!

I do hope you enjoy the silliness!

And as a quick post video summary of the Wii U...

  • Nintendo in HD!
  • Slick interface and use of options.
  • The use of two screens via the Gamepad is...surprisingly sweet! The Gamepad is durable, useful and very cool!
  • Miiverse and eShop are steps in the right direction regarding online connectivity.
  • Multiple controller options, including old Wii remotes.
  • Speaking of which...BACKWARDS COMPATIBILITY!
  • Compact and usually quiet console design. 
  • Growing library to justify a purchase for fans of Nintendo games!
  • Unfortunate that it still can't play DVD's/Blu-rays.
  • The battery life for the gamepad is remarkably poor.
  • Long-term storage is limited, requiring external hard drives.
  • The Nintendo TVii function is very limited depending on your set-up, and ultimately useless in my case.
  • Still a bit hard to justify for everyone. Poor ports and lack of third-party games hurts.